Knowledge, Empiricism, & the Political: In Debate with Danny Goldstick
Thursday September 19, 2024, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm
5:00 PM
Welcome and Refreshments
5:30 PM
Speaker: Duncan MacIntosh (Dalhousie)
Title: “Interrogating the Goldstick Maneuver: Arguing from Beliefs to Metaphysical Realities”
6:00 PM
Reply from Danny Goldstick and discussion
6:20 PM
6:30 PM
Speaker: David Alexander (Iowa)
Title: “Goldstick on A Priori Knowledge”
7:00 PM
Reply from Danny Goldstick and discussion
7:20 PM
7:30 PM
Speaker: Igor Shoikhedbrod (St. Francis Xavier)
Title: “Interrogating Goldstick on ‘Interests’”
8:00 PM
Reply from Danny Goldstick and discussion
8:30 PM
For more information, please contact Belinda Piercy.