We are delighted to see included in the latest issue of Dialogue (61.3), a special issue on the Prizes of the Canadian Philosophical Association, three names associated with our program. Caitlin Hamblin-Yule, one of our current PhD students, won a prestigious Congress Graduate Merit Award (CGMA) for her essay “The Gallows Alien: Extending the Concept <Person> to Non-Human Organisms.” Logan Ginther, who recently graduated with a master’s degree in Philosophy, also won a CGMA for his paper titled “Kantian Objectivism and Subject-Relative Well-Being.” The Faculty Essay Prize (non-tenured) went to Manish Oza for his “Fictions in Legal Reasoning.” Oza, now an assistant professor in the Faculty of Law and the Department of Philosophy at Western University, earned his PhD from our department in 2020. Congratulations to all the award winners for their perceptive work!