2024 Martha Lile Love Teaching Award for Matthew Delhey

Published: January 24, 2025

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It is our great pleasure to announce that Matthew Delhey has won the 2024 Martha Lile Love Teaching Award for his outstanding work teaching PHL217 Introduction to Continental Philosophy.

Delhey’s course unified its theme—a survey of thinkers from Marx to Deleuze with a focus on their philosophies of technology—with every aspect of its policy and delivery. In keeping with the course’s “radically in-person” structure, students completed all course work during class time and committed to putting away all electronic devices (except for those needed for accessibility reasons). In-class discussion of the course’s carefully curated readings and artworks was blended seamlessly with in-class writing instruction and writing time, with the  weekly “digital detox” of class time serving to highlight, for students, the shaping role of digital technology in their intellectual lives. The committee was impressed to see so much attention paid to students’ learning needs in our present technological moment.

Vincent Lee received an honorable mention for his work in teaching PHL232 Knowledge and Reality. Lee’s course took up questions in metaphysics and epistemology from a global perspective, and was carefully structured so that each week’s topic and readings presented students with an opportunity to learn and practice a new philosophical skill (e.g., understanding how reductio arguments work, devising counterexamples to a thesis, etc.). This gave students the opportunity to learn philosophical concepts, theories, and arguments from a number of philosophical traditions, while simultaneously building their familiarity with a variety of philosophical skills via a series of carefully considered steps.

In addition to recognizing these exemplary achievements, the department extends its appreciation to all Graduate Course Instructors for their hard work and dedication over the past year!

A thank-you goes out as well to Jim John and Diana Raffman for their service on this year’s Martha Lile Love Award committee.
