Jessica Wilson

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- BA, Mathematics, University of California, San Diego (1987)
- PhD, Philosophy, Cornell University (2001)
Prof. Wilson started at UTSC as an Assistant Professor in 2005. Prior to that she was William Wilhartz Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan from 2001. She did her PhD work at Cornell University from 1995–2001 after a year in the PhD program at Colorado-Boulder. She received a BA in mathematics from California-San Diego in 1987. Along with Dr. Jonathan Schaffer, Dr. Wilson was awarded the the 2014 Lebowitz Prize for Philosophical Achievement and Contribution. Wilson is one of two UTSC Research Excellence Faculty Scholars for 2022, and was recently awarded the 2024 Tang Chun-I Visiting Professorship for a one-month residence at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
For more information visit Prof. Wilson’s personal website.
Teaching in 2022-23
PHLB99 Philosophical Writing and Methodology
PHLC60 Metaphysics
Research Interests:
Epistemology, Metaphysics
2021. Metaphysical Emergence. Oxford University Press.
For a comprehensive list of articles visit Prof. Wilson’s personal website.