Stanley Bowen Zhang

Stanley Zhang, 150w


Graduate Student


St. George,


  • BSc (Hons), University of Toronto (Mathematics and Philosophy Specialist; Computer Science Minor)
  • MA (Philosophy), University of Toronto

Stanley is a JD/PhD student in the Faculty of Law and the Department of Philosophy. In his primary areas of interest, Stanley takes a multidisciplinary approach to legal theory (with a focus on criminal law and evidence), social and political philosophy, and the philosophy of science (with special attention to statistics, the biomedical sciences, and computer science). Questions that connect these fields fascinate him the most: How should philosophical approaches to political authority and distributive justice inform our reflections about criminal justice institutions? How should insights from the philosophy of science inform the law of evidence (especially in criminal proceedings, where statistical evidence and opinions from pathologists, psychiatrists, and other experts may heavily influence jurors’ and judges’ deliberation; and where the search for factual accuracy may be in tension with considerations of procedural fairness grounded in political morality)?

Outside of his scholarly interests, Stanley loves Jamaican food, beautiful parks, comedy, and world literature. His current favourite novel is One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez.

Research Interests:

Philosophy of Law, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, Metaethics