Brendan de Kenessey

Assistant Professor
St. George,Email Address:
- BA, Cognitive Science, Yale University
- PhD, Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Brendan de Kenessey works in moral philosophy. His research pursues the idea that we can better understand much of morality by taking a closer look at how we decide together what to do. He also has research interests in metaethics and the philosophy of psychology.
For more information visit Prof. de Kenessey’s personal website.
Research Interests:
Ethics, Metaethics, Moral Philosophy, Practical Reason, Social and Political Philosophy
- “Promises, Offers, Requests. Agreements,” 2022. In Ergo 9 (34).
- “Promises as Proposals in Joint Practical Deliberation,” 2020. In Noûs 54 (1): 204-32.
- “Moral Psychology as Accountability” (with Stephen Darwall), 2014. In Moral Psychology and Human Agency: Philosophical Essays on the Science of Ethics, edited by Justin D’Arms and Daniel Jacobson, 40-83. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- “The Addict in Us All” (with Richard Holton), 2014. In Frontiers in Psychiatry, 5(149): 1-20.
Writing for a public audience:
- “People are Dying Because We Misunderstand How Those with Addiction Think,”, 2018.
- “The Philosophical Case against Hoping Trump Suffers,” Washington Post, October 7, 2020.
- “Depression and the Good,” Blog of the APA, Current Events in Public Philosophy Series, June 12, 2023.
Jackman Humanities Building (room 424), 170 St. George Street, Toronto, ON M5R 2M8