Dwight Crowell

St. George,Email Address:
Dwight became interested in ancient and medieval philosophy while he studied with the Classics Department at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS. He is primarily interested in the philosophies of Aristotle, Plato, the peripatetic school, the neoplatonic tradition, and Thomas Aquinas. Specifically, he is interested in how metaphysics and ethics relate in their theories of the good life, and currently he is focusing on how both human theoretical and practical happiness is an imitation of the inter-trinitarian life of God for Thomas Aquinas. He is also interested in Aristotle’s critique of the forms, his concept of core-dependent homonymy, and the possibility that he did not completely reject the doctrine of participation. Finally, Dwight is keen to study contemporary philosophy of mind, and he would like to consider panpsychism and compare human and non-human animal consciousness.