Léa Derome

St. George,Email Address:
- BA, MA, Université de Montréal
- PhD, McGill University
Léa completed her PhD at McGill University under the supervision of Marguerite Deslauriers and Stephen Menn. Her dissertation, entitled “Aristotle on Blood and Cognition,” examines the role of blood in animal cognition and provides a thorough account of the correlation Aristotle establishes between blood types and cognitive profiles. Part of the dissertation also analyzes how Aristotle engages with rival viewpoints, especially the hematocentric model of cognition that originated with Empedocles and was perpetuated by Hippocratic and Peripatetic writers.
Her current postdoctoral project, under the supervision of Jessica Gelber, focuses on Aristotle’s theory of animal cognition in an attempt to better understand how physiological differences variably impact the cognitive potential of animals at the specific and individual levels.