Mathieu Duguay

St. George,Email Address:
- BA, University of Toronto
- MA, University of Toronto
Mathieu is a PhD student in the department. He is interested in all areas of philosophy, but his main areas of research are the philosophy of logic, mathematical logic, and logic. He is most interested in questions related to axiomatics—for example, whether a certain set of claims is axiomatizable, what kind of limitations certain sets of axioms face—and in the philosophical notions we need to presuppose to answer such questions, one of which is the notion of logical consequence. Given those interests, his coursework covers proof theory, model theory, incompleteness results (with and without self-reference), computability theory, and advanced set theory (construction of ZF, forcing, applications of forcing).
When not thinking about these issues or engaging other people in the elenchus, Mathieu spends time with his wife, takes long walks, or hangs out on the beaches of the Toronto islands.
Research Interests:
Logic, Mathematics