Michael Blézy

Part-time Assistant Professor (Teaching Stream)
St. GeorgeEmail Address:
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- BA, Honors in Philosophy (University of Alberta)
- MA, Continental Philosophy (University of Essex)
- PhD, Philosophy (University of Toronto)
Dr. Blezy’s research stages conversations between prominent 17th- and 18th-century philosophical figures such as Descartes and Kant with thinkers working in the traditions of phenomenology and existentialism, such as Heidegger, Sartre, and Fanon. To learn more about Michael’s work, please visit his website.
Teaching in 2023-24
PHLB03: Aesthetics: From Kant to Adorno
PHLB35 Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy
PHLC37 Kant’s Practical Philosophy
PHLB05: Post-Colonial Theory
PHLC35: The Passions: Descartes and Spinoza
Research Interests:
Early Modern Philosophy, Kant, Phenomenology, Social PhilosophyAddress:
Social Sciences Building, MW 376, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C1A4