Natalie Helberg

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Part-time Assistant Professor (CLTA)


St. George


  • BA, Alberta (Philosophy)
  • MFA, Guelph (Creative Writing)
  • PhD, Toronto

Natalie’s philosophical interests are numerous. If she were to organize them in terms of figures/philosophers, she would name Foucault, Judith Butler, Catherine Malabou, Susan Bordo, Derrida, and Levinas. She has interests in existentialism, philosophy of science, bioethics, and philosophy of human sexuality. Broad themes she finds herself paying attention to include ‘the subject’ (its relation to language/discourse), institutional modes of boundary policing, as well as psychiatric, corporeal, sexual, and aesthetic forms of normalization. Feminist philosophy saturates all of her concerns.

Natalie is also interested in the intersection between philosophy and literature and in ‘forms of writing’ more generally. The creative writing she does sources the resources of theory, fiction, poetry, and drama. A few of the writers who interest her are Kathy Acker, Dodie Bellamy, Sarah Kane, Jonathan Lachlan-Stewart, Lyn Hejinian, Lisa Robertson, Rosmarie Waldrop, Carla Harryman, Gail Scott, Renee Gladman, Christine Stewart, Liz Howard, Donato Mancini, Aisha Sasha John, Naoko Kumagai, Joel Katelnikoff, Mat Laporte, Henry Miller, and Anaïs Nin.

Find out more on Natalie’s personal website.

Research Interests:

Continental Philosophy