Stephen Peprah

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- PhD Philosophy, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
- MPhil Classics (Ancient Philosophy and Latin), University of Cambridge, UK
- MPhil Classics (Ancient Philosophy), University of Ghana, Legon
- BA Classics & Political Science, University of Ghana, Legon
Stephen Peprah is a postdoctoral fellow from Ghana working with Rachel Barney. His interest in ancient philosophy was sparked when taking a course in Socratic philosophy in the third year of his undergraduate studies. He then proceeded to pursue an MPhil degree in Classics, specializing in ancient philosophy and writing a thesis titled “An Examination of the Socratic Conception of Honour.” It was followed by another MPhil degree at the University of Cambridge, UK, when he was almost done with his PhD in Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic. The Cambridge MPhil degree served to help Dr. Peprah improve his Latin proficiency to be able to undertake a research project on the philosophical works of Anton Wilhelm Amo, an eighteenth-century Ghanaian-German slave-turned-academic. There are three extant works of Amo’s philosophical works.
Dr. Peprah is currently working on two book projects:
1) “Plato on the Individual, Polis, and Political Authority in the Republic” (for Bloomsbury Academic Publishers)
2) “Complete Parsing and Translation of Amo’s Philosophical Works” (which initially won a six-month British Academic Visiting Fellowship Award in 2023)