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Ethics and Political Philosophy Group Talk (Rahul Kumar, Queen’s University)

Friday March 21, 2025, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The Ethics and Political Philosophy Research Group is pleased to welcome as guest speaker Rahul Kumar, professor and head of the Department of Philosophy at Queen’s University. His  primary research examines questions in non-consequentialist ethical theory, with particular focus on the strengths and pitfalls of Scanlon’s contractualism as a systematic expression of a non-consequentialist approach to the foundations of interpersonal obligation.

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Talk Abstract


About the Ethics and Political Philosophy Group

The Ethics and Political Philosophy Group meets periodically throughout the year to discuss topics in value theory and related fields, including meta-ethics, normative ethics, applied ethics, social and political philosophy, philosophy of law, moral psychology, practical reason, agency, and identity.



Jackman Humanities Building, Room 418
170 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5R 2M8 Canada
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