Other Epistemic Achievements – Global Perspectives
Friday May 2, 2025 - Sunday May 4, 2025
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To explore alternate pathways for theorizing epistemic achievements and virtues, this three-day conference brings together scholars from 10 different philosophical traditions to engage in debate and discussion. These include perspectives from some Africana, Arabic, Chinese, Early Modern European, Greek, Indigenous Andean, Jewish, Latin American, Medieval Latin, and South Asian traditions.
- Lea Cantor (Cambridge), Strategies for expressing skepticism in the Zhuangzi
- Zeyad El Nabolsy (York University), Participation as an Epistemic Achievement in African Philosophy
- Maria Heim (Amherst College), ‘Some hold back and some overreach; only those with eyes see’: Buddhaghosa on learning how to see
- Jari Kaukua (University of Jyväskylä), Between Epistemic Optimism and Pessimism: Before and after Avicenna
- Tamer Nawar (Barcelona), The Epistemic Implications of Divine Omniscience and Foreknowledge
- Yitzhak Melamed (Hopkins), The Apikorsut of the Void: A Heresy beyond All Heresies
- Jessica Moss (NYU), Aristotle on Knowledge and Understanding
- Kristin Primus (Berkeley), Our Knowledge of Thought
- Jorge H. Sanchez-Perez (Alberta), The Harmony of Reality and the Duties of Knowledge: Epistemic Humility and Moral Obligations
- Clinton Tolley (UC San Diego), ‘in xóchitl in cuícatl’: Flower, song, and the (‘Romantic’) elevation of the aesthetic dimension of truth and knowledge in ancient and modern Mexican philosophy
This event is jointly hosted by the Departments of Philosophy at the University of Toronto and Toronto Metropolitan University. For more information, check the event website.