Students enjoy UTSC’s cherry orchard, part of the
South Campus Common landscapes.
Julia Nefsky
University of Toronto at Scarborough, MW382
Email: philchair@utsc.utoronto.ca
Business Officer
Ashfak Khan
University of Toronto at Scarborough, MW280
Tel: 416-208-4753
Email: ashfak.khan@utoronto.ca
Departmental Administrator
Jason Ferreira
University of Toronto at Scarborough, MW374
Tel: 416-208-2976
Email: jason.ferreira@utoronto.ca
Departmental Assistant
Natalie Zammit
University of Toronto at Scarborough, MW 378
Tel: 416-208-4751
Email: natalie.zammit@utoronto.ca
Financial Assistant
Rahmia Jahan
University of Toronto at Scarborough, MW 278
Tel: 416-208-5114
Email: r.jahan@utoronto.ca