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18th Annual Graduate Philosophy Conference: “PsyPhi: Philosophy meets Psychology”
Monday May 7, 2018 - Tuesday May 8, 2018
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The 18th Annual University of Toronto Graduate Philosophy Conference, PsyPhi: Philosophy meets Psychology, will host graduate students working in all areas in philosophy that relate to the conference’s main themes.
Keynote Speakers
- Joëlle Proust (Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris). Dr. Proust’s extensive research on the mind spans consciousness, action awareness, but more recently focuses on metacognition and cognitive phenomenology.
- Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis & University of Wollongong). Dr. Gallagher’s research spans topics in phenomenology and cognitive sciences, especially embodiment, self, agency and intersubjectivity, hermeneutics, and the philosophy of time.
Conference Schedule
All talks held in the Jackman Humanities Building (JHB)
Monday, May 7th
- 10:15-10:30: Coffee & Snacks; Venue: JHB 418
- 10:30 Welcome and Land Acknowledgment – Emma McClure
- 10:35-11:30: Amanda Evans (UT Austin), “Cognitive Penetration of Shape Experience”, Commentator: Zach Weinstein, Chair: Elliot Carter
- 11:45-12:45: Sam Clarke (Oxford/Princeton), “Beyond the Icon: On Carey’s Characterization of Core Cognition”, Commentator: Mason Westfall, Chair: Melissa Rees
- 12:45-2:15: Lunch
- 2:15-3:15: Louis Gularte (Brown), “Suffering is Bad, Even if it’s not Mine (or Yours)”, Commentator: Griffin Klemick, Chair: Rachel MacKinnon
- 3:30-5:30: Keynote Address by Shaun Gallagher, Venue: JHB 100, Commentator: Maria Keller, Chair: Valerie Bernard
- 5:30-7:00: Reception, Venue: JHB 418
Tuesday, May 8th
- 10:15-10:30: Coffee & Snacks, Venue: JHB 418
- 10:30 Welcome and Land Acknowledgment – Howard Williams
- 10:35-12:15: Panel on Psychiatry and Philosophy, Chair: Charles Dalrymple-Fraser & Maria Keller
- Dana Fritz (Marquette), “The Crisis of Autism”,
- Laila Khoshkar (Ryerson), “The ‘Individual’ with Mental Disorder: Problems in Conceptualising Non-Western Mental Disorder According to a Western Framework of the Self”
- Austin Williams (Boston College), “Rending The World: Care, Boredom, and Depression as World Concealing in Heidegger”
- 12:15-1:30: Lunch
- 1:30-2:30: Anna Giustina (Institut Jean-Nicod), “Introspective Acquaintance: an Integration Account”, Commentator: Julia Smith, Chair: John Bunke
- 2:45-3:45, Chuck Goldhaber (Pittsburgh), “The moods and humors of Hume’s skepticism”, Commentator: Bowen Chan, Chair: Mark Gatten
- 4:00-6:00: Keynote Address by Joelle Proust, Venue: JHB 100, Commentator: Jessica Wright
Chair: Daniel Munro
Conference Description
From ancient reflections on psyche, medieval accounts of the soul, to early modern debates about the nature of mind, philosophers have long been interested in psychological questions. Classical Indian and Chinese traditions raise questions about the epistemic significance and metaphysical underpinnings of consciousness, experience, and the mind’s social situatedness. Against this philosophical background, psychology emerged as a discipline proper in the 19th century, while programs in psychoanalysis and behaviorism developed in the 20th century.
Today, epistemologists and philosophers of mind draw on empirical findings in developing theories of cognition, metacognition, and perception. Continental philosophy and phenomenology delve into the significance of the first-person perspective by describing the structures of experience. Ethicists explore aspects of moral psychology, and the implications of experimental psychology for moral judgments. Philosophers of science take up issues related to the methods and practices in cognitive and psychological sciences. Feminist and critical race philosophers address the psychological impact of social climate, injustice and oppression, both for individuals and groups. Applied philosophers and bioethicists take up questions about mental health, its treatment, and classifications, or the ethical constraints on such research.
Panel on Psychiatry and Philosophy
In collaboration with UP, our local chapter of Minorities and Philosophy, we will be holding a panel on philosophical engagements with psychiatry. We aim for a range of approaches to these topics.
We are committed to having an accessible and inclusive conference. For information on access, including venue location and physical accessibility, visit our conference website or email torontophilgradconf@gmail.com.