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Annual Toronto Workshop on Ancient Philosophy (ATWAP)
Friday March 30, 2018 - Saturday March 31, 2018
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Annual Toronto Workshop on Ancient Philosophy: New Work on the Presocratics
All sessions will be held in Room 100, Department of Philosophy, Jackman Humanities Building, 170 St. George St. Toronto
Friday March 30
9:30 Coffee and Pastries
10:00-12:00: André Laks (Universidad Panamericana) and Glenn Most (Chicago/Pisa) “Editing the Early Greek Philosophers: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”
Lunch Break
2:00-3:45: Tom Mackenzie (University College London), “Empedoclean Problems of the Self and the Function of the Daimonology”, Comments: Victoria Wohl (Toronto)
Coffee and Timbits
4:00-5:45: Claire Louguet (Université de Lille III), “Tragedy and Philosophy: The Prometheus Bound and Parmenides”, Comments: Matthew Watton (Toronto)
Conference Dinner
Saturday March 31:
9:00 Coffee and Pastries
9:30-11:15 Mirjam Kotwick (The New School), “Allegoresis and Analogy in the Derveni Papyrus and the Hippocratic Text On Dreams (Vict. 4)”, Comments: Marion Durand (Toronto)
Coffee break
11:30-1:15 André Laks (Universidad Panamericana), “How Preplatonic Worlds Became Ensouled”, Comments: Brad Inwood (Yale)
Lunch (Provided)
2:15-4:00 Patricia Curd (Purdue University), “What Can Parmenides Know?”, Comments: Boris Hennig (Ryerson)
Coffee Break
4:15-6:00 David Sider (NYU), “Repetitions in Empedocles”, Comments: Stephen Menn (McGill)
Conference Dinner
Participation in the conference is free (except for conference dinners), but pre-registration is required.
Contact: Rachel Barney at rachel.barney@utoronto.ca or Roberto Granieri at roberto.granieri@mail.utoronto.ca
This year’s ATWAP is funded by the Canada Research Chair cluster in Ancient Philosophy.