Colloquium (Jocelyn Benoist, Sorbonne)

Centre for Ethics, 200 Larkin 15 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON, Canada

Jocelyn Benoist, a professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, is the author of, most recently, Toward a Contextual Realism (Harvard University Press, 2021). He is also a recipient of the Gay-Lussac Humboldt Prize. He works in the areas of metaphysics, philosophy of language, and philosophy of mind.

Colloquium (C. Thi Nguyen, Utah)

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100 (Main Floor Lecture Hall) 170 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

C. Thi Nguyen, an associate professor of Philosophy at the University of Utah, writes about trust, art, games, and communities, interested in the ways our social structures and technologies shape how we think and what we value.

Other Epistemic Achievements – Global Perspectives

This conference, organized by Resa Hades and hosted jointly by the University of Toronto and Toronto Metropolitan University, will bring together scholars from different traditions to explore alternate pathways for theorizing epistemic achievements and virtues.

Second Kumārila Conference

Jackman Humanities Building 100 & 401 170 St. George Street, Toronto, ON, Canada

The conference, organized by Elisa Freschi and Nilanjan Das and held at the Department of Philosophy at the UTM campus, will bring together experts who will lead two-hour reading sessions on key passages of Kumārila’s texts and provide participants with the necessary tools to understand the hidden gems of Kumārila’s philosophy

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