CANCELLED—Global Philosophy Research Interest Group Talk (Curie Virág, Warwick)

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 418 170 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Curie Virág, a senior research fellow at the University of Edinburgh, works in early and medieval Chinese philosophy and intellectual history, specializing in the history of ethics, moral psychology, and emotions.

Colloquium (Ralph Wedgwood, Southern California)

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100 (Main Floor Lecture Hall) 170 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ralph Wedgwood, a professor of Philosophy and the director of the School of Philosophy at the University of Southern California, works in ethics and epistemology, more specifically, in metaethics, practical reason, normative ethical theory, and the history of ethics.

Ethics and Political Philosophy Group Talk (Zoë A. Johnson King, Harvard)

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 418 170 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Zoë A. Johnson King, an assistant professor at Harvard, works primarily in ethics, metaethics, and epistemology. She primarily concerns herself with moral agency and moral responsibility, with a particular focus on praiseworthiness.

Ethics and Political Philosophy Group Talk (Gina Schouten, Harvard)


Gina Schouten, a professor at Harvard, primarily studies issues of social and political philosophy and ethics. Her most sustained research projects concern political liberalism and political legitimacy, educational justice, and the gendered division of labor.

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