Philosophy News - St. George

William Paris on the Wisdom of Africana Philosophy

Published: February 23, 2022

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Recently, William Paris spoke to the Faculty of Arts & Science’s Sean McNeeley about his work, what originally drew him to explore thinkers from Africa and the African diaspora, and his current course, Philosophy and Social Criticism, which focuses on how our notions of justice change over time.

Felix Lambrecht Becomes 2022 School of Cities Graduate Fellow

Published: February 16, 2022

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Congratulations to Felix Lambrecht for being awarded a 2022 School of Cities (SoC) Graduate Fellowship. This SoC program brings together an interdisciplinary group of University of Toronto doctoral students who share a passion for city-building and solutions to critical urban challenges. Throughout the fellowship, students will collaborate with scholars at … Read More

“Bioethics Is Hard”: Kayla Wiebe on Teaching, Research, and Organizational Ethics

Published: February 10, 2022

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Kayla Wiebe, a PhD candidate whose dissertation focuses on the concept of autonomy and who also serves as a bioethicist at SickKids hospital, recently won the 2021 Martha Lile Love Teaching Award for her course PHL 440—Clinical Bioethics. The course introduced students to this subfield of biomedical ethics, which zooms … Read More

In memoriam Frank Cunningham (1940-2022)

Published: February 4, 2022

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With deep sadness the department announces the passing of our colleague Frank Cunningham. He suffered from leukemia and died at his Vancouver home on February 4, 2022, assisted by the Canadian Medical Assistance in Dying program. Maryka Omatsu, his wife of more than 50 years, wrote: “Frank died as he … Read More

Our First Fresh PhD of 2022: Natalie Helberg

Published: January 28, 2022

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Congratulations to Natalie Helberg on passing her PhD defense, the department’s first of 2022, with flying colours. Helberg successfully defended her thesis titled “Catherine Malabou’s Dangerous Supplement,” written under the supervision of Rebecca Comay, on January 28, 2022. Helberg currently holds a position as lecturer in Concordia University’s Department of … Read More

Kayla Wiebe Honoured with 2021 Martha Lile Love Teaching Award


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With great pleasure we announce that Kayla Wiebe has won the 2021 Martha Lile Love Teaching Award for her outstanding work teaching PHL440 –Clinical Bioethics. The committee was impressed with her thoughtful course design, approach to accessibility, and ability to motivate student engagement.  In addition, Griffin Klemick and Zachary Weinstein received honourable mentions for their excellent work in teaching B33 – God, Self, World and PHL240 – Persons, … Read More