The department is delighted to announce that Sophia Moreau, a professor of Philosophy and Law, is one of the recipients of the Canadian Philosophical Association’s (CPA) 2022 CPA Book Prize for her work Faces of Inequality: A Theory of Wrongful Discrimination (Oxford University Press, 2020). Faces of Inequality defends an original theory of when and why discrimination wrongs people. A review noted, “The discussion is rich, clear and precise both in terms of more general principles and concrete cases . . . certain elements of her reflection strike me as really original contributions.”
The triennial award is given to the best books in philosophy published by members of the association. The second recipient was Claude Panaccio, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Philosophy at the Université du Québec à Montréal, for his book Récit et reconstruction: Les fondements de la méthode en histoire de la philosophie (Vrin, 2019). For this year’s prize, the CPA Book Prize Committee, chaired by 2021-22 Past President Christine Tappolet, received a record 36 nominations from publishers and from authors or their colleagues. The committee noted the high quality of the nominated books.
Heartfelt congratulations to the award winners on their accomplishment!