It is our pleasure to announce that Liang Zhou Koh is the winner of this year’s Martha Lile Love Essay Award, for his essay, “Rational Dispositions, the Brain-Scrambler, and Brains-in-Vats”.
Liang Zhou’s essay discusses Timothy Williamson’s argument that a content-oriented conception of epistemic rationality and a disposition-oriented one are not equivalent, and Williamson’s claim that this inequivalence undermines an important class of arguments for internalism in epistemology. Liang Zhou offers an excellent reply to Williamson, and goes on to defend effectively the reply from potential responses on Williamson’s behalf. Amid a strong field of contenders, the paper stood out in particular for its insight and originality.
Many thanks to Julia Nefsky and Byeong Yi for serving as the adjudication committee for the award.
This award was founded 39 years ago to honour the memory of a Toronto graduate student, Martha Lile Love, who had herself won an essay prize at Smith College, where she did her undergraduate degree in philosophy. Past winners of the Martha Lile Love Essay Award include Dennis Klimchuk, Jane Friedman, Achille Varzi, and Evan Thompson.