The Québec-Ontario Conference in Early Modern Philosophy will include talks by Christian Leduc (Université de Montréal), Elliot Paul (Queens University), Sandrine Roux (Université du Québec à Montréal), and many more scholars working in early modern philosophy.
Join us for a two-day colloquium comprising talks and workshops in ancient and medieval philosophy. The colloquium is organized by Martin Pickavé, Deborah Black, and Peter King.
Prof. Hickson’s recent research has focused on the history of 17-century philosophy, especially Descartes, Bayle, skepticism, and the problem of evil. Increasingly, his research includes both historical and contemporary issues related to conscience and toleration.
Gideon Freudenthal is professor in the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas at Tel Aviv University. He will deliver a talk on “Salomon Maimon’s philosophy: between myth and logical analysis.”
Prof. Stern will deliver a talk on “Maimonides and the Falasifa on Certainty and the Certainty of Prophecy.” His research is broadly in contemporary philosophy of language and medieval philosophy, especially Arabic and Jewish philosophy.
Image: University of Oxford.
The History of Philosophy Group is pleased to welcome guest speaker Steven Methven, David Mitchell Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy at Oxford University. Dr. Methven’s specialities are the history of analytic philosophy, philosophical logic, and philosophy of mathematics.
In his talk, ‘Hegel’s account of thinking in his Logics’, Prof. Tolley will forumalate a critical assessment and partial defense of Hegel’s theologized (rather than Kantian-transcendental) conception of logic.
Image: Simon Fraser University.
Dr. Heide’s research interests include Kant, early modern philosophy, normative ethics, applied ethics, and symbolic logic.
Join us for a two-day colloquium comprising talks and workshops for graduate students and faculty working in ancient and/or medieval philosophy. The colloquium is organized by Martin Pickavé, Deborah Black and Peter King.