What is language? Q&A with Philippe Schlenker (NYU/Institut Jean Nicod, Paris)

New North Building, Rm. 1210, UTM 3359 Mississauga Rd., Mississauga, ON, Canada

What is language? How does it compare to music? Does language have an inner logical spine? How does human language compare to the communication systems of other animals? Distinguished Visiting Professor Philippe Schlenker will be visiting UTM for conversations with faculty and students. Ask him anything!

Alexander Lecture: Christopher Mole (UBC)

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100 (Main Floor Lecture Hall) 170 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This year's Alexander Lecture welcomes Christopher Mole, Chair of the Programme in Cognitive Systems at UBC where he also teaches in the Department of Philosophy. Professor Mole will deliver a talk on “Dynamic Semantics, Embodied Syntax, and the Evidence of Sign-Language Aphasia”

Workshop: New Perspectives on Mental State Attribution

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100 (Main Floor Lecture Hall) 170 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This two-day workshop on new perspectives on mental state attribution is organized by Professor Jennifer Nagel and welcomes presentations by Rebecca Saxe (MIT), Neil Rabinowitz (Google DeepMind), Kristen Andrews (York), and more.

Colloquium (Lisa Shapiro, Simon Fraser University)

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 100 (Main Floor Lecture Hall) 170 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Professor Shapiro's research interests include early modern philosophy, feminism and philosophy, and philosophy of mind (especially perception and emotions). She co-authored the volume Emotion and Cognitive Life in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy with our department's Professor Martin Pickavé.

Global Philosophy Group Talk (Sonam Kachru, Virginia)


Sonam Kachru, an assistant professor in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia, pursues research interests in the history of philosophy, with a particular emphasis on the history of Buddhist philosophy in South Asia.

Global Philosophy Research Interest Group Talk (Sean M. Smith, Hawai’i)

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 418 170 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sean M. Smith, an assistant professor of Philosophy at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa works at the intersection of Indian Buddhist philosophy (with a particular emphasis on the Pāli tradition) and contemporary philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and moral psychology.

Workshop on the Self with Anil Gomes

Jackman Humanities Building, Room 418 170 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Anil Gomes is a Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy at Trinity College, Oxford, and a professor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Philosophy in the University of Oxford. He works mainly in the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of Immanuel Kant and has a long-standing interest in the work of Iris Murdoch.

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