Bettina Bergo is a professor of Philosophy at the Université de Montréal whose main research concerns the connections among Husserlian phenomenology, psychoanalysis, and continental thought on sensibility.
Claude Romano, an associate professor of Philosophy at the Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) and a professorial fellow at Australian Catholic University, works in contemporary philosophy, especially philosophical hermeneutics and phenomenology.
Angela Mendelovici, an associate professor in the Department of Philosophy at Western University and a member of the Rotman Institute of Philosophy there, focuses her research focuses on intentionality, consciousness, and the relationship between the two.
Jennifer Rose Carr (California, San Diego) works primarily in epistemology, including in epistemic utility theory, belief modeling, and normative uncertainty. She is also interested in philosophy of language.
Daniel Hoek (Virginia Tech.) researches the philosophy of language and mathematics, and has written about loose talk, questions, choices, probability and infinity.
Jeremy Goodman’s (USC) research focuses on metaphysics, epistemology, the philosophy of mind, and philosophical logic.
Dmitri Gallow’s (ACU) research focuses on the metaphysics of causation and chance and the rational norms governing credence and choice.
Kourken Michaelian, of the University of Grenoble, focuses his research on the philosophy of memory, especially simulation theory.
Jakob Hohwy, of Monash University, conducts interdisciplinary research in the areas of philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience.
Aaron Segal, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, works on metaphysics and the philosophy of religion.
Michaela Manson is a graduate student in philosophy at the University of Toronto. She has interests in the philosophy of mind and language, as well as in feminist philosophy in the early modern period.
The work of Dwight K. Lewis Jr. of the University of Central Florida interrogates philosophy through a historical lens, focusing on the early modern period, Africana philosophy, the philosophical canon, and the discipline of philosophy.