We are pleased to announce that Douglas Campbell has won the 2018 Martha Lile Love Teaching Award for his outstanding work teaching PHL210Y1Y (F term) 17th and 18th Century Philosophy at the St. George campus, summer 2018. The committee was impressed with Campbell’s thoughtful course design, his energy and focus in the classroom, and his use of a variety of pedagogical methods including weekly online quizzes, in-class debates, and the possibility to participate in peer review for course papers.
In addition, Rachel MacKinnon and Michael Blezy receive honorable mentions for their fine work for PHL388H1S Literature and Philosophy and PHL217H1S Introduction to Continental Philosophy, respectively.
The Department would like to extend its appreciation to all Graduate Instructors for their excellent work this past year. It is a privilege to work alongside such dedicated and inspiring teachers, exploring how best to connect with students through new technologies and classic pedagogical styles!
Finally, the Department would like to thank Andrew Franklin-Hall and Deborah Black for their work on the Martha Lile Love committee this year.