The Department of Philosophy is pleased to announce that the winner of the Martha Lile Love Teaching Award for 2017 is Benjamin Wald, for his excellent course design and pedagogical approach in teaching PHLC93H3Y: Topics in Political Philosophy in the summer 2017 semester at UTSC.
Wald chose the timely topic of political disagreement as the central focus of the course, examining the role disagreement plays in defenses of liberalism for the first half of the course and the role it plays in justifications of judicial review in the second.
The committee was particularly impressed by Wald’s use of weekly reading responses, in-class debates, and peer editing sessions for course papers to foster student-to-student learning, in regards to both comprehension of course material and the development of philosophical skills in the classroom.
Owen Pikkert receives an honourable mention for his fine work teaching PHL210Y5Y: 17th and 18th Century Philosophy in the fall 2016 semester at UTM.
The department would like to extend its appreciation to all graduate instructors for their excellent work during the past year.