With the beginning of the Fall 2022 term, the department is pleased to welcome new faculty members on all three campuses.
At St. George, we extend a warm welcome to
- Sara Aronowitz, an assistant professor working on the study of memory, learning, and imagination.
- Reza Hadisi, also an assistant professor (CLTA), who pursues questions in ethics, epistemology, and action theory through the study of the history of philosophy, with a particular interest in the Medieval Arabic and Persian traditions, as well as Kant.
- And Steven Coyne, who has taken a three-year assistant professor position in the teaching stream joint with the Department of Computer Science to support the Embedded Ethics Education Initiative.
Nilanjan Das, who specializes in epistemology and Sanskrit philosophy, has joined the faculty at UTM at the rank of associate professor.
Two new faces have joined the department on the UTSC campus:
- Nathan Howard, an assistant professor who specializes in moral philosophy, particularly with regard to questions at the intersection of ethical theory and practical reasoning about the nature of moral motivation;
- and Eric Mathison, who pursues interests in applied ethics, bioethics, and normative ethics, currently at the rank of assistant professor (CLTA).
Also (re)joining us this year as part-time assistant professors in the teaching stream are Joshua Brandt (UTM), Eamon Darnell (SG), Logan Fletcher (UTM), Rory Harder (UTSC), Cory Lewis (SG), Jared Riggs (UTM), Dave Suarez (SG), and Simona Vucu (SG).
We are thrilled to count each of them among our faculty—the department and its students are lucky to have you!