Course Selection
To remain in good standing, each student in the five-year PhD program must complete a minimum of 12 graduate courses (6.0 FCEs) in Philosophy, with a minimum A- average, by the end of Year 2—6 of these 12 courses (3.0 FCEs) must be completed with a minimum A- average by the end of Year 1.
The proseminar in philosophy (PHL 1111H), worth 0.5 FCE, must be taken during the fall session of Year 1.
Course selections must satisfy our Breadth Requirements.
Further stipulations:
- With departmental permission, a student may replace up to 2 courses (1.0 FCE) in Philosophy with graduate courses offered by other departments, provided the student’s planned research requires these courses.
- Students may take up to 2 courses (1.0 FCE) as Independent Studies courses. These must be done with a faculty member of the department and are permitted only when suitable regular courses are not available.
- For the purpose of degree credit, no more than 6 courses (3.0 FCEs) may be taken in any one historical period or problems area. A student may take additional graduate courses beyond degree requirements; these will be so recorded on the official transcript kept by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS).
- The School of Graduate Studies (SGS) may grant credit for up to 2 courses (4.0 FCE) for graduate work in philosophy undertaken at another university. Such work may be completed either before or during the student’s PhD program. In the latter case, SGS must be shown that the coursework in question both is essential to the student’s program and not simultaneously available at the University of Toronto. Any request for such credit must have the support of the Director of Graduate Studies.
Grading and Deadlines
Courses taken for graduate credit are assigned a letter grade according to the following scheme: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, and FZ (which replaces C, D, and F). For more information on assessment, see the University Assessment and Grading Practices Policy on the School of Graduate Studies website.
Deadlines for course work, as set by the Department and the School of Graduate Studies, apply to all students taking philosophy courses, regardless of the department, centre, institute, school, program, or university in which they are enrolled. The instructor in each course is required to inform the students in writing of the deadlines for course work at the first meeting of the course. For further information on coursework extensions, see the Policy on Departmental Coursework Extensions in the Policies and Procedures section of this website.
Students wishing to audit a course must receive permission of the instructor. The instructor may require active participation in seminar meetings as a condition of auditing.