5-Year PhD Timeline

The following timeline gives the deadlines and schedule for the various components of the 5-year PhD program. Each academic year begins on September 1 and ends on August 31. An asterisk (*) means the item is required to remain in good standing.

Year 1

By Aug. 31

*Six courses completed, with an A- average.

Year 2

By Aug. 31

*Twelve courses completed, with an A- average.
*All breadth course requirements satisfied.

Year 3 

By Sep. 30

*Thesis Committee constituted.
*Research reading list submitted.
*Nature and timing of the Research Tool Requirement determined.
*Qualifying Form submitted.

By first day of Winter term classes

*Draft of Qualifying Paper submitted.

By Feb. 15

*Qualifying Paper submitted.

By Mar. 31

*Written qualifying exam taken.

By Apr. 15

*Oral qualifying exam taken.
*Qualifying Requirement satisfied.

*Begin search for Teaching Mentor.

 By Aug. 31

*Logic Requirement satisfied.

*Revision Paper Requirement satisfied.

 Year 4

By Sep. 30

*Thesis Proposal Requirement satisfied.

[Term TBD]

Professional Development Seminar (for those wishing to use the Department Placement Service for job applications).

 By Aug. 31

*Research Tool Requirement satisfied.

Year 5

Job market.

By Aug. 31

Thesis submitted. (Note that this is the School of Graduate Studies deadline. For the policy on extensions of the PhD program, see Policy on Extensions of the PhD Program.)