Greetings and Salutations from the Philosophy Course Union!
The Philosophy Course Union strives to enhance your undergraduate experience through social and academic events that are free to all students—regardless of program. At these events, you can expect to have fun, eat free food, become intellectually enriched, and be part of the philosophy community at the University of Toronto. Furthermore, our events are of interest to anyone looking to advance their philosophical career, for we provide self-help seminars and several opportunities to connect with faculty in extra-curricular contexts. We get handsome funding for these events from the Arts and Science Student Union as well as the Department of Philosophy, so prepare to be very impressed, especially by our food offerings.
Swing by our lounge, located in room 416 of the Jackman Humanities Building, to help yourself to anything in our snack cabinet or to peruse our collection of philosophical books, past editions of Noesis, and the ever-refreshing pile of some upper-year students’ favourite philosophy papers. For more information, or to get involved, please email us at, or see our public Facebook group or our Twitter profile.