Program Requirements

General Requirements

The following rules apply to all Philosophy programs (including Bioethics):

  1. Normally, no more than one full individual studies course can be counted towards any philosophy program.
  2. Normally, no more than one-half individual studies course can be counted towards the 400-level requirement for any specialist or combined specialist program.
  3. Students enrolled in combined specialist programs are normally expected to complete one-half course of their 400-level requirement in Philosophy.

Philosophy Programs

Philosophy Specialist

(10 full courses or their equivalent, including PHL100Y1/PHL101Y1 if taken)

First year (recommended):  PHL100Y1/PHL101Y1

Higher years (required):

  1. Two full courses from the following: PHL200Y1/(PHL205H1, PHL206H1)/PHL210Y1
  2. One full course from the following: PHL217H1/PHL232H1/PHL233H1/PHL240H1
  3. PHL265H1 or PHL275H1
  4. PHL245H1 or PHL246H1
  5. Additional philosophy courses to a total of 10, including four full courses at the 300+ level, of which one full course must be at the 400 level.

Philosophy Major

(7 full courses or their equivalent, including PHL100Y1/PHL101Y1 if taken)

First year (recommended): PHL100Y1/PHL101Y1

Higher years (required):

  1. One full course from the following: PHL200Y1/(PHL205H1, PHL206H1)/PHL210Y1
  2. One full course from the following: PHL217H1/PHL232H1/PHL233H1/PHL240H1
  3. PHL265H1 or PHL275H1
  4. PHL245H1 or PHL246H1
  5. Additional philosophy courses, to a total of seven, including two full courses at the 300+ level, of which one half course must be at the 400 level.

Philosophy Minor

(4 full courses or their equivalent, including PHL100Y1/PHL101Y1 if taken)

  1. One full course from the following: PHL200Y1/PHL205H1/PHL206H1/PHL210Y1/PHL217H1/PHL232H1/PHL233H1/PHL240H1/PHL265H1/PHL275H1
  2. Additional philosophy courses to a total of four, including one full course at the 300+ level.


Bioethics Programs

Bioethics Specialist

(10 full courses or their equivalent, at least four of which must be 300-series PHL course, including one full 400-series course)

First year (recommended): PHL100Y1/PHL101Y1, BIO120H1, BIO220H1

Higher years (required):

  1. PHL281H1, PHL271H1, PHL275H1
  2. PHL245H1 or PHL246H1
  3. 1.5 full courses from Group 1 (Advanced Bioethics)
  4. 1.0 full course from the Group 2 (Value Theory)
  5. 0.5 full course from Group 3 (Metaphysics and Epistemology)
  6. Additional philosophy courses, to a total of 10 FCEs or else additional philosophy courses to a total of 9.0 FCEs and 1.0 FCE from Group 4 (Interdisciplinary)

Bioethics Major

(7 full courses or their equivalent including at least 2.0 FCEs at the 300+ level of which 0.5 FCE must be at the 400 level)

First year (recommended): PHL100Y1/PHL101Y1, BIO120H1, BIO220H1

Higher years (required):

  1. PHL281H1
  2. PHL245H1 or PHL246H1
  3. 1.0 full course from Group 1 (Advanced Bioethics)
  4. 1.5 full courses from PHL271H1/PHL275H1/Group 2 (Value Theory)
  5. 0.5 course from Group 3 (Metaphysics and Epistemology)
  6. Additional philosophy courses to a total of 7.0 FCEs or else additional philosophy courses to a total of 6.5 FCEs, plus 0.5 FCE from Group 4 (Interdisciplinary)

Bioethics Minor

(4 full courses or their equivalent including at least 1.0 FCE at the 300+ level)

  1. PHL281H1
  2. PHL245H1 or PHL246H1
  3. 0.5 full course from Group 1 (Advanced Bioethics)
  4. 1.0 Full course from PHL271H1/PHL275H1/Group 2 (Value Theory)
  5. Additional philosophy courses to a total of 4

Bioethics Course Groups

Group 1 – Advanced Bioethics:

PHL380H1, PHL381H1, PHL382H1, PHL383H1, PHL384H1, PHL440H1, PHL470H1

Group 2 – Value Theory:

PHL265H1, PHL295H1, PHL365H1, PHL366H1, PHL370H1, PHL375H1, PHL407H1, PHL412H1, PHL413H1, PHL483H1

Group 3 – Metaphysics and Epistemology:

PHL232H1, PHL233H1PHL240H1, PHL331H1, PHL332H1, PHL340H1, PHL341H1, PHL342H1, PHL355H1, PHL357H1, HPS250H1, HPS350H1

Group 4 – Interdisciplinary:

ANT348H1, ECO369H1GER338H1, GGR340H1, HIS423H1, HIS489H1, HMB201H1, HMB202H1, HPS318H1, HPS319H1, JHE353H1, SOC243H1SOC309H1, SOC363H1, SOC427H1WGS367H1


Combined Specialist Programs

The Philosophy Department offers a 2 Combined Specialist Programs :Mathematics and Philosophy and Philosophy and Physics. A fuller description of the these programs can be found in the Calendar of the Faculty of Arts and Science.

Mathematics and Philosophy Specialist

(12.0 FCE including at least 1.0 FCE at the 400-level)

First Year:
MAT157Y1MAT240H1MAT247H1PHL232H1 or PHL233H1

Higher Years:
1. MAT257Y1MAT327H1MAT347Y1MAT354H1/​MAT357H1
2. PHL345H1MAT309H1/​PHL348H1
3. Four of: PHL325H1PHL331H1PHL332H1PHL346H1PHL347H1PHL349H1PHL355H1PHL451H1PHL480H1
4. 1.0 FCE from PHL200Y1/ ​PHL205H1/​ PHL206H1PHL210Y1
5. PHL265H1/​ PHL275H1
6. Additional 2.0 FCE from PHL or MAT to a total of 12.0 FCE

NOTE:Students with a CGPA of 3.5 and above may apply to have graduate level math courses count towards their 400-level course requirements.

Physics and Philosophy Specialist

Physics has deep historical roots in natural philosophy and many aspects of contemporary Physics raise profound philosophical questions about the nature of reality. The interdisciplinary Physics and Philosophy Program allows the student to engage with both Physics and Philosophy at their deepest levels, and to more fully explore the connections between them.

(16.0 full courses or their equivalent, including at least 2.0 full courses at the 400 level)

First Year: (3.5 FCE)

(The courses MAT137Y1MAT223H1PHY151H1PHY152H1 are recommended.)

Second Year: (3.5 FCE)

(The courses MAT237Y1MAT244H1 are recommended.)

Third Year: (2.5 FCE)

Fourth Year: (1.5 FCE)
PHY456H1, (PHY483H1/​PHY452H1), PHY491H1

Any Year: (5.0 FCE)
PHL245H1, (PHL345H1/​PHL347H1/​PHL348H1/​PHL349H1), PHL355H1PHL356H1, (PHL415H1/​PHL482H1), plus 2.5 FCE additional PHL courses, including at least 0.5 at the 300+ level