- Departmental Job Placement Record:
- Current Placement Candidates
- Departmental Placement Statistics
- About the department’s Placement Officer
- Planning for the academic job market
Departmental Placement Record
The job Placement Record lists the current/first positions of all students that completed a PhD in philosophy at the University of Toronto since 1970:
Every effort is made to ensure that our record is accurate; we welcome any corrections or updates (please email Belinda Piercy with any relevant information).
Current Placement Candidates (2024-2025)
AOS: Area of specialization
AOC: Area of competence
Jack Beaulieu, PhD
AOS: Indian Philosophy
AOC: Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Disability, Metaphysics
Link to personal website
Valerie Bernard, PhD
AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Phenomenology, Existentialism
AOC: 17th & 18th Century Empiricism, Epistemology, Critical Thinking, Ethics
Link to personal website
Bowen Chan
AOS: Ethics, History of Ethics
AOC: Applied Ethics, Early Modern, Epistemology
Jovy Chan
AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Social Epistemology, Philosophy of Technology
AOC: Legal Philosophy, Ethics
Link to personal website
Matthew J. Delhey, PhD
AOS: 18th and 19th Century Philosophy (especially German Idealism), Social and Political Philosophy
AOC: Early Modern Philosophy, 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Philosophy of Technology, Ethics (including AI Ethics)
Link to personal website
Lisa Doerksen, PhD
AOS: Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology
AOC: Early Modern Philosophy, Kant, Metaphysics
Alexandra Gustafson, PhD
AOS: Moral Psychology, Ethics
AOC: Aesthetics, AI Ethics/Ethics of Computing, Philosophy of Disability, Existentialism
Link to personal website
Caitlin Hamblin-Yule, PhD
AOS: Kant, Ethics, Philosophy of Race
AOC: Post-Kantian European Philosophy & Early Modern Philosophy
Link to personal website
Michael Kirley, PhD
AOS: Philosophy of Mind and Action
AOC: Ethics, Moral Psychology, Epistemology
Link to personal website
Michaela Manson, PhD
AOS: History of Ethics, Feminism, Philosophy of Human Sexuality
AOC: Early Modern Philosophy
Link to personal website
Eric Shoemaker, PhD
AOS: Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law
AOC: Business Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Bioethics, Ethics of AI
Link to personal website
Zachary Weinstein
AOS: Aesthetics, Philosophy of Art, Mind, and Language
AOC: Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Post-Kantian Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Technology, Applied Ethics
Departmental Placement Statistics
The following tables show the various sectors in which percentages of our PhD graduates are employed, as well as the locations of their employment, and the average time to the first tenure-track position of academically-employed alumni. The department’s alumni are contrasted with other U of T alumni, alumni from the Faculty of Arts & Science, and alumni from other humanities programs/departments.
Main Employment Sectors of All PhD Graduates, 2000-2015
Department/Division/Faculty/UofT | Total Graduates | Post-secondary Education (PSE): Tenure-Track | Post-secondary Education (PSE): Other PSE | Private Sector | Public Sector | Charitable | Individual | Other (Deceased) | Unknown |
Department of Philosophy | 157 | 80 (50.96%) | 41 (26.11%) | 10 (6.31%) | 5 (3.18%) | 2 (1.27%) | 4 (2.55%) | 0 (0.00%) | 15 (9.55%) |
Faculty of Arts & Science | 4259 | 1353 (31.77%) | 1178 (27.66%) | 661 (15.52%) | 244 (5.73%) | 123 (2.89%) | 100 (2.35%) | 13 (0.31%) | 587 (13.78%) |
Humanities | 1588 | 568 (35.77%) | 502 (31.61%) | 77 (4.85%) | 62 (3.90%) | 54 (3.40%) | 71 (4.47%) | 6 (0.38%) | 248 (15.62%) |
U of T | 10886 | 2850 (26.18%) | 2711 (24.90%) | 1996 (18.34%) | 1051 (9.65%) | 313 (2.88%) | 286 (2.63%) | 36 (0.33%) | 1643 (15.09%) |
Current Employment Location of PhD Graduates, 2000-2015
Department/Division/Faculty/U of T | Total Graduates | Total Found Graduates | Employed in Canada | Employed in USA | Employed Outside Canada/USA |
Department of Philosophy | 157 | 142 | 67 (41.18%) | 52 (36.62%) | 23 (16.20%) |
Faculty of Arts & Science | 4259 | 3672 | 2159 (24.75%) | 909 (24.33%) | 604 (15.45%) |
Humanities | 1588 | 1340 | 837 (62.46%) | 326 (24.33%) | 117 (13.21%) |
U of T | 10886 | 9243 | 6136 (66.39%) | 1918 (20.75%) | 1189 (12.86%) |
Average Time to First Tenure-Track (TT) Position, 2000-2015
Department/Division/Faculty/U of T | Total TT Professors | Total TT Professors w. Identified Date of Appointment (Excluding Outliers) | Average Time to TT in Years |
Department of Philosophy | 80 | 33 (41.25%) | 1.64 |
Faculty of Arts & Science | 1353 | 587 (43.39%) | 2.34 |
Humanities | 568 | 218 (38.38%) | 2.05 |
U of T | 2850 | 1201 (42.14%) | 2.50 |
About the department’s Placement Director
The department appoints a Placement Director to counsel students at any stage of the doctoral program, and also to provide assistance especially to those nearing completion and preparing to enter the job market in philosophy. The Placement Director for 2023-24 is Professor Donald Ainslie, and the Placement staff person is Evan Drapeau.